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Having spent nearly two weeks at the town of Heather’s keep we decided it was finally time to return to Grumbsy. Most of our business was done the first day when we sold the weapons and the Osirion steel we found in Crypt. Though several of my compatriots had their own little side projects during our stay.
Glish was learning how to smith better. Roan was doing some shady stuff with Gimble in his office that I don’t think I ever learned about. Zorthos also spent much of his time studying various magical weapons. The rest of us did what we normally did around town. I sparred with anyone I could find, with varying success. Played a lot of music at the Braided Beard. And drank there as well.
On our final day at Heather’s Keep I spent much of my evening talking to the new friends I’d made. All of my compatriots seemed to be having a great time as well, until I noticed Vergusson looking just a little bit distraught talking with Premy, a gossipy server at the Braided Beard. It was quite loud in the tavern but I was confident I heard them talking about Verg’s father before I sat down in the stool next to him to hear them more clearly.
“He married a Reija?” The half-orc shivered. “Disgusting. Blood elves are the worst elves.”
“Whose fucking a blood elf?” I interjected like I was invited. “Your dad?”
“Gods no,” Verg shook his head. “She married my uncle.”
“Okay,” I believed I had connected all the dots. “Yeah we’ll take her out.”
Syrielle was suddenly standing next to me. “No one fucks with Verg.”
Roan quickly declared, “He’s our special boy.”
Nydorri, was holding a massive ax that would have put any weapon the half-orc himself had ever held to shame, “You want me to cut a bitch?”
We were all shocked and Syrielle was the first to ask, “Nydorri when the fuck did you get a war ax?” The wood elf herself looked at the weapon with confusion.
“That’s not one of ours,” Gimble happened to be drinking next to Roan.
When we didn’t get an answer Syrielle turned back to the original topic. “Who are we agreeing to kill?”
“Some Reija bitch that’s banging Verg’s uncle,” I patted the still shivering half-orc on the shoulder. “And since he’s a bad guy, she’s a bad guy, it all adds up to us taking her head.”
“Naturally,” The Tellir nodded. “So she’s here?”
“No,” Premy was incredibly worried. “Please don’t fight people here.”
“We’re heroes buddy,” I assured him. “Our mission is to slay the most wicked things that walk this Earth and keep fine establishments like this safe.” At that point I overheard Glish talking shit to a few dwarves in the corner, he threatened to murder each of them in a unique but uncreative way. “We may have some things to work on.”
“I hear you’re picking fights with war chiefs,” Premy snarled. “And probably the deadliest Orc in Kayos. For all we know he’s the greatest warrior on the whole continent.”
“I wouldn’t say that yet” Gimble shook his head, “Not him. No, but I agree. These people have a lot of work to do before they go picking fights with Reija Queens and Orc Chiefs. And what better way to upgrade then here and now.”
“You’re right,” I hopped to my feet realizing I only had one day to do business with the greatest weapon crafters in all the land. “I have all this gold, I can afford to spoil myself with some nice armor and tools of war.”
“You already know a blacksmith,” Glish whined. I didn’t even respond.
I marched straight into The Gift Shop. It was a massive room nearly the same size as Grumbsy’s entire marketplace. From wall to wall weapons and armor were on display. Shelves upon shelves of swords, axes and more.
There was a hill dwarf sitting at a desk not looking up at me. “Hello Mr. Dwarf. I am Elrin Daun of Gladland, the fighting writer and I am told this is where one is to come for weapons and armor.”
The hill dwarf smiled back, “Yes. My name is Kronu. What exactly are you looking for?”
“I don’t know…”
“That doesn’t help me…”
“Don’t you guy’s have like magic stuff?” I shrugged. “I don’t even know how to ask?”
“Huh…” He didn’t know what to say. “I guess. We got like, every kind of weapon so just say what you want and I’ll bust out the magic stuff and talk prices. Armor, we got full plate, chain-mail, and an assortment of leather padded options.”
“Well I hear Osirion steel chainmail feels like cloth on the skin,” I inquired.
“Of course,” Kronu walked towards the back door of his shop. “Our cheapest Osirion steel armor will net you about 4000 gold.”
“I have three gold…”
There was a chuckle behind me. “What happened to ‘I have all this gold’?”
“Shut the fuck up Yarrick. Nobody even knows who you are.”
By the end of the haggling process I ended up with a new rapier enchanted with just a bit of fairy dust. It was twice the price of a standard rapier, but was vastly more durable. It also had the potential to cut ghosts and possibly be used to counter certain magical abilities. Though he explained those tasks were rather skill based and didn’t explain the skills at all.
After that, I upgraded my leather padding to include mystical properties to protect me against the majority of projectiles. He said it isn’t always consistent, which is why the price was so cheap, but it should stop damn near every arrow and spear coming at my stomach, chest or shoulders.
Swords, axes and other melee weapons would treat it like regular leather armor.
When the transaction was done it was time to head back to Grumbsy. I asked around for horses until Gimble walked over to me and ended my requests. “Let me give you all a ride home.”
“Like a piggy back ride?”
The old hill dwarf guided us to the base of the mountain he called home. There we found a large metal carriage, with a very similar object we saw on the boat they took us out on. An engine it was called.
All of us were able to sit in the back and then off we went. Faster than any carriage or horse I’d ever seen. What was once a 4 week walk, turned into a three day drive. I frequently stuck my head out the window and let the air hit my face. So did everybody else, particularly Vergusson who liked to hold his mouth open when he did it and let his tongue wag in the wind.
When we arrived back in Grumbsy, I insisted I be the one to stick my head out the passenger seat window and wave to the people on my way in expecting them to be excited to see us. But they couldn’t care less when I rolled up. Except for a town guard named Frank. Though he didn’t wave back he just frantically ran into the Titan’s Trap.
The second I stepped out of the vehicle Trant was in my face. “They need you in Nayberton immediately,” His finger was waving in a circle, “Sorry, hi how you? How was your trip? You get Laid? People are gonna be dying, I think, unless you guys go to Nayberton now.”
Gimble was more than happy to be of just a bit more assistance. The car turned a day’s walk into barely more time than an evening show. Warriors from all around had gathered at Nayberton in anticipation of combat. Some of them hopped to their feet when they saw us coming. One of them screamed “That must be them!”
“No it’s not,” Javier shouted as he came sprinting over to us. “Those are Trants friends.” The mayor, who I’d met only briefly, looked at us with a bit of worry, “Wait Trant still likes me right? I don’t know a lot of you.”
“All that bastard told me was I’m here to help the people of Nayberton,” I hopped down on the dirt in the middle of the street we just invited ourselves onto. “Happy to not fight the other help if that’s okay?”
The mayor chuckled, “Of course,” He waved us along. “Please come with me.”
The barkeep led us inside his establishment where there was a man and a woman sitting at a table. “Everyone, this is Tanner and Malory Core. The founders of Nayberton. They’re the ones with the problem.”
They both inspected us. Tanner chirped. “You look like an interesting bunch.”
“We’re a hell of a lot more than just interesting,” I declared. “I, Elrin Duan of Gladland, the fighting writer, stand here with the greatest warriors in Kayos. With us on your side your safety is more than assured.”
“Greatest warriors?” Tanner’s curiosity had risen. “Trant’s mentioned folk like you a few times. And the funny little song boy that hangs out with them.”
“Uhm…” Malory complained, “You and Trant never tell me anything.”
“Well then allow me my dear,” I shouted. “Standing to my left, is the Sensei Supreme, Syrielle Hano. The Mistress of Merciful Mayhem. Don’t say anything too naughty though, or you’ll receive a lot more mayhem than mercy.”
Syrielle nodded and mouthed, It’s true.
“To my right, is the prettiest orc in all the land. Vergusson, the prince of Kayos itself. If you’re ever wondering what he’s thinking. He’ll tell you.”
“I like turtles.”
Continuing to my right I announced, “And over here is Blondos,” I hadn’t ever thought about what to say about Blondos. Everything was aimed at Zorthos. “The mystical destroyer of all things evil. With the flames of Hades in the hands of Justice, peace is soon to follow everywhere he goes.”
He snapped some flames from his fingers without disturbing his glamor.
Back to my left, “And those two over there are Roan and Yarrick. I’d tell you more but they’d rather I didn’t.” Both of them crossed their arms and went sort of back to back. Which should have been hard at their height but for some reason Yarrick was standing on a chair. I’m glad Roan didn’t need more said about him. For a second I thought he’d whine I didn’t hype him up more, but he sort of loved the mystique angle I took.
“Here we have the lady of the leaf. Nydorri the Bear Vine.” A name I hadn’t checked with her yet, but she genuinely did not give a shit. “Fall for her at your own risk. Harm the forest and the critters around us for certain annihilation.”
Several of the men fawned over her. Myself included.
Pretending as if I had forgotten, I said, “Oh and that’s Glish.”
“Best for last,” The hafflin pumped his fist.
Bastard won this round.
“Okay,” Tanner nodded, “So we are definitely confident you are good at talking.”
“Honey,” Malory complained. “They look pretty dangerous and they’re here to help.”
“Right,” Tanner nodded. “Sorry I’m a little on edge with everything going on. It’s been a stressful few years running things around here and now some old debts from Eurome have come back to haunt us.”
“King Thraine,” Malory shuddered at the thought of the ruthless Lord of Bulgram.
“He sent a messenger not long ago.” Tanner put his arm around his wife. “Told us Nayberton and the mines around belonged to Bulgram. Last I checked, the throne did have any claim to the land of Kayos. And as far as we knew, they weren’t much interested in the wild lands.”
“We’ve been keeping things pretty safe,” I told him.
Roan snickered next to me, “I’d say we’re pretty fucking dangerous.” Everyone agreed with him more than me. Including me.
Javier put his hand on my shoulder, “We came to Kayos to escape their grasp. All of us. If they wish to trade with our resources, then they must learn to play by our rules as well. But if they want a problem…”
With a smile I finished his thought for him, “Then they got a fucking problem.”
Delighted, he shook my hand, “Welcome to the coalition.”
Just then, an elf man stepped into the door. Nydorri waved, “Hey Zet.”
“What’s up Nyd?” Neither of them looked at each other. Zet just walked forward to Tanner and Malorie. “We just got word. Someone’s coming. One person. We weren’t able to get anything else, but we know that it’s just one.”
“We don’t know,” Zet shrugged as if he didn’t have enough information about the festival happening this evening. “Our friends who know things aren’t that friendly. All they could tell us was that Thraine was only sending a single assassin. One. Tonight.”
“That’s all they’d say,” Javier looked very confused. “That seems like sketchy specific information to have without having more information.”
“They wouldn’t misinform me,” Zet explained. “They just don’t tell you anything for free. Information comes at a cost. So they never really give straight answers to anything unless you earn it.”
Nydorri grinned, “His friends are always like that.”
Zet pointed at her, “She’s the worst.”
I almost added, it’s true, but I chose a wiser path of silence.
“Alright,” Tanner stood to his feet. “We can’t let Bulgram take any land in Kayos.”
“Oh, we’re just going right into it?” I looked around to see who was ready for a speech.
“We all came here for a dream, to be the greatest warrior, the sexiest whore, the silliest bard and the dumbest elf,” He spoke with great confidence and yet everyone was pretty confused exactly who was who at certain points and nobody was happy about it. “But if the throne comes stomping in with their shit, well I’ll be fucking damned.”
Nobody was hyped, so I sarcastically pointed out, “You’re great at this…”
He was clearly aware of my skill set, “Would you mind?”
“The king wants to bring his Order here to Kayos,” I turned away from him as I spoke, locking eyes with all the warriors around us. “I walked amongst the Ordered. Through the blood and the shit of the poor and the forgotten. Rotting like animals while kings and queens grew fat on thrones.” There was like thirty people inside at that point and every fucking one of them was shaking with excitement. It wasn’t in my head, everyone told me about it later.
“The civilized are those who walk together,” I screamed and everyone was a bit confused but hoorahed anyways. “The enslaved are those who walk below the weak. Within the Order. The enslaved accept their position. The civilized accept their savagery! They embrace Kayos!”
People outside came running inside very worried due to all of the yelling. Which is bad because we should have scouts outside, but I was in the zone so I couldn’t stop and remind anyone. And I might have been the only one who noticed, everyone else was pretty locked into my monologue.
“So you can tell that tiny dicked king, to keep his fucking order,” I pointed in what I immediately realized was the wrong direction but couldn’t back down, “Because we’re perfectly civilized with these bloody savages.” I held my hands up to my own friends, specifically Vergusson who was smashing his fists together while drooling quite a bit.
After my speech was over, and everyone was ready for blood, nobody congratulated me on a job well done. They just sent me outside to patrol the perimeter. I walked around on the Northside of town. Looking out into the woods. Knowing full well, that with people like Yarrick out there, I will absolutely have no chance of catching this dude. Which means there’s a very good chance I’m about to literally just die. Just like that. Out of nowhere. One minute I might just be thinking about something important and the next minute…
Still, I did my job.
It was a calm warm night, without a single passenger. Until of course I spotted a very peculiar figure walking down the road towards us. The faint sound of whistling echoed in my ears. Despite showing absolutely no signs of threatening behavior, I could just see that this was the assassin we were waiting for. It was the eyes that gave it away. Even from a distance.
The stranger was walking down the road. Not sneaking, just walking up, whistling all the way until he was close enough to say. “Well hello there,” The traveler, who I could now see was an elf, stopped abruptly to wave with closed eyes. “I’m told this is Nayberton”
“It is in fact,” I replied. “Generally one of the safer towns in Kayos. As long as you don’t try to bang anyone’s wives and sometimes the wives don’t tell you their a wife it’s a whole thing. But tonight we may have a bit of a bigger problem I’m afraid. A couple of nice folks are in trouble. An assassin is after them and we’re all on high alert.” My eyes never looked away from the stranger for a second.
“I’m told those folks are very nice,” The traveler bowed to me. “But unfortunately, gold is quite nicer. I’m afraid I am He,” There was heavy emphasis on the letter H, “The assassin you are waiting for. It is my duty as a proper warrior to advise you to step out of my way.”
There was no way I was going to attack this elf alone. But I couldn’t act scared just yet, “And I would advise you to get running before I call for help. Perhaps I’m not the scariest man you’ll meet, but I know an orc and a pretty little young thing that’ll slice you and dice you quicker than I can come up with a clever threat.” Despite using other people to threaten him, I held a demeanor that suggested I alone could tackle armies.
I received a face of great perplexion. “What? You’re gonna call for help. Do you not believe in yourself?” The assassin took a step towards me. “This is unacceptable. You can’t go into battle if you do not believe you can win every single time. We’re going to fight. Right here, right now. And you’re going to prove to yourself who you really are!”
“I… Huh…”
Wagging a finger with a stern voice my inevitable opponent explained, “If you don’t try to kill me, I promise I will kill you. So pull that sword out. And I may show mercy.”
I ripped the rapier from the sheath. I wanted to shout for help, but it felt safer not to. My foe feinted a punch and I lunged with an attack. I swung several times, before I was kicked in the gut toppling me over.
Standing over me, arms crossed, the stranger said “I’d love to have more fun. But I am on the clock. You understand?”
“Excuse me,” Syrielle shouted as she slowly walked towards us. “Would you mind explaining to me what is going on here?”
“I’m the assassin,” The assassin waved excitedly. “Would you like to fight?”
She shrugged, “Sure.” Her opponent was unarmed, so she wasn’t going to draw her sword either. I like that she wasn’t necessarily blood thirsty. It was the fighting she liked, killing was just a consequence of her favorite activity.
With a faint then a jab, she threw a spinning kick, the elf easily grabbed her leg, then spun her around, throwing her down the road. She rolled along before regaining her footing nearly 40 meters away.
More of our allies came running over to us. Vergusson taking the lead keeping his ax on his back. The half-orc was flipped over immediately, then put into a chokehold. Before he went unconscious the elf let him go, shoved him to his back, and stuck a foot on the barbarian’s neck.
About 10 warriors stood around preparing to attack. “I don’t know why these two didn’t use their weapons.” The stranger looked over to me with confusion as if we were friends, “Why didn’t they try to kill me? Isn’t that your job? Kill the assassin hired to murder Tanner and Malory Core. That’s the assignment is it not?”
I didn’t know how to respond.
“Okay well,” The lone warrior smirked as the warriors all circled around. “If nobody tries to kill me I’ll start killing kids or something and maybe even do stuff that’s even worse if I can think of it,” Looking back to me for approval the assassin asked. “You think that’ll work?”
I lunged at him with my sword, knowing damn well what was going to happen. I was on my ass in a second, and the children of Nayberton were one step closer to not being slaughtered. I believed what the elf was saying. I really really did.
Zorthos threw a flaming spear that was snagged straight from the air. The devilman charged with an ax and a sword, as Syrielle leapt from her crash site, katana out. Roan was lighting a torch to his right thumb as everyone else had their own projectiles out.
Nydorri knelt down manipulating the weeds around the assassin’s feet, but they couldn’t hold such a fast and powerful fighter. Zorthos was right there to intercept when the assassin hopped out of the way, but the devil man was quickly hip tossed into a house before the elf man landed back on the ground.
Syrielle’s blade missed, and she took an elbow to the gut. She didn’t fall to the ground like me, but she was in a lot of pain. Vergusson’s ax came towards the assassin’s head, but the strength of the warrior was enough to grab the large weapon with one hand. Verg took a front kick to the chest sending him somersaulting backwards.
Roan was firing stones once everyone was clear, but they were all dodged. The sailor was on the ground a moment later. The flame was out, and the thumb was broken. Our other nameless allies attacked from all directions. A whirlwind of kung fu kicks sent them all hurdling every which way.
In the midst of holding Beardorri by the throat with one arm the elf’s free hand reached behind him and intercepted a long blue rod with a gold silver tip that was bursting with electricity that was coming straight for his back.
Yarrick’s eyes filled with horror as his magical weapon was stopped in its tracks.
Then he received a kick to the face sending him hurtling backwards breaking his grip on his weapon.. The magical spear that Yarrick apparently didn’t sell to the dwarves was then tossed out into the woods. The elf shook his hand out and gaze at his steaming palm with a laugh.
Then he finally casually tossed the unconscious Nydorri, who’d transformed back into an elf, on the ground next to him.
Zorthos blasted his red beam, but it was easily dodged. He blasted a bunch more, but the assassin just playfully danced. Syrielle and Vergusson attacked in unison. Roan managed to hop to his feet and join the frey as well.
Glish was right in there too, swinging at the feet trying to keep our foe off balance. So I jumped in as well, genuinely honestly believing we had it this time. I saw a couple of arrows fly through. And a vine came whipping over everyone’s head like a whip. Nydorri was snapping her attacks in between the rest of ours.
And once we were all finally attacking, was when the warrior finally smiled.
First, Glish was thrown at Yarrick. The stealthy archer was hanging upside down from a tree branch holding a bow, and the collision was very loud. Then the assassin dove towards Nydorri, throwing a split kick to knock Syrille and Vergusson away as he went. Nydorri tried to react in time but was choked out again, faster than before.
I lunged in but was back handed, and I don’t care what everyone else was going through, it fucking hurt. Smoke suddenly covered the battle, but the mysterious warrior leapt right out of the fog. Zorthos quickly formed, but only to be punched in the face immediately. Syrielle, Verg and Roan were back in the fight. So was I, but he kicked me so hard in the stomach I thought I was going to die.
Blood was pouring from my mouth. My ribs were definitely broken. He was bored with me at that point. From the sound of things everyone else was as beaten as I was. Roan landed abruptly on the ground in front of me. Glish came hurtling once more, this time smashing the sailor in the face.
Both were grumbling in agony afterwards.
We were all broken, bloodied, bruised and beaten. I was one of the few who was still conscious at the end. “Good job everyone,” The lone mercenary who whipped all our ass declared like a proud father. “You all did your very best. Every one of you tried your absolute damndest to kill me and none of you held a thing back. You fought to the exciting conclusion. The children of this town are safe from my petty wrath. You have my word.”
“I look dead?” A very stupid girl shoved her katana into the ground and used it to drive her whole body up. “Because I don’t feel dead.” She was trembling, but if she was facing off with anyone else, I’d still be pretty terrified for whoever they were.
The stranger showed nothing but delight.
Then a low grumble alerted us she wasn’t alone. Verg was using his weapon as a very similar stabilizing point as her. “If she’s going… I’m going.”
The assassin figured their friendship out that very instant. “You two are adorable. And I very truly mean that. The flames of Kayos are alive and well in your hearts. Without greatness like the two of you, there can never be legends like myself. So thank you for being so great.”
“My pleasure,” She spat blood on the ground in front of her.
As Vergusson dragged himself forward, the assassin looked him up and down, “You look familiar. Give Me a second. I can get it… DoomRock. You’re with the DoomRock clan.”
“I was…”
“Out here…” The greatest warrior I ever laid eyes on admired the prettiest orc in all the land. “You’re clearly half human as well. Vergusson. That’s you. I knew your father quite well. A fun spar. Not nearly fun enough to kill…” With a quick snap of the fingers the fierce fighter switched his tone to a far hungrier one, “Now you’re uncle on the other hand. That orc interests Me. One day perhaps.”
Vergusson spat blood at the mention of his uncle, creating a smile from his enemy. “Yes,” Chills ran down the spines of everyone as the ass kicker said any words. “You might be an ant to him now, but there’s many powerful orcs that would love to impress him with your head. And I’d hate to stand in the way of such incredible battles to come. You have much to fight for. Why waste your life on me?”
“I just wanna kick your ass.”
Even through the smirk the assassin seemed a bit sad at the orc. “I love bravery, but the poor decisions will be your downfall before greatness can be achieved. And as I said, without greatness, legends will never be born.”
“I don’t know what that means,” Verg said before he lunged. Syrielle jumped right before him. Her sword was caught in the palm of the warrior’s hand while Verg’s ax was kicked away. The assassin’s free hand gripped the half-orc’s neck, choking him unconscious like he did the bear.
Syrielle tried to attack but was kicked in the chest sending her rolling through the dirt again. When she leapt back in, Vergusson and the sword were both tossed away. The hand that grabbed the sword was bloody, but it still gripped around her neck.
“Now you are one I do not recognize at all…”
“Well that’s just rude,” She choked out the reply.
“I’m sure there’s a purpose out there for you as well. A fighter such as yourself. So much greatness in you there is. There are so many questions to ask about you. So many answers many would want to know. And yet, you throw all those questions away to reaffirm the answer you already have. My only question is why?”
“My friend already told you,” Her knee slammed square to the jaw, releasing the grip on her neck, “I just wanna kick your ass,” then she threw an upper cut which was dodged. The she was punched in the face.
She stumbled but kept herself upright just fine. When she threw another futile punch, she was thrown through a window nearby. I didn’t hear her move after that.
The assassin promptly spun around and walked on into the tavern.
I don’t know why I rose to my feet and walked towards him. I heard the screams inside, saw a few people come hurtling out of the windows. And I knew there was nothing I could do. But, still, my body moved forward. Even though the children were safe, I still moved.
Soon I heard the screams of Tanner and Malory. Bloodcurdling howls, pleading for mercy, until suddenly they went silent. They all went silent. Just as I reached the door, the assassin exited the building with that same smile I saw when he came walking down the road.
“It’s been fun My friend,” A hand extended to shake mine.
“Who are you?”
“That’s a very complicated question My dear,” The stranger looked off down the road deep into the forest searching for an answer. “On the one hand, I am nobody. Just a stranger with no name. But also, I am Him.”